.key pat ;This allows a keyword to be passed to LhA2LZX in the internal variable "pat". It will be the archive name that is stored here
.bra { ;This changes the normal AmigaDOS brackets < and > to { and }...
.ket } ;...because we need to use the character > for ouput re-direction - more on this later
if NOT EXISTS env:LhA2LZXpath ;If the path of LhA2LZX is not known...
list LhA2LZX LFORMAT=%F%N >env:LhA2LZXpath ;...get it, and store it in the file 'env:LhA2LZXpath'
if "`which RequestChoice`" NOT EQ "RES RequestChoice" ;This checks to see if some of the program files that LhA2LZX uses are already resident in memory...
Resident > NIL: C:RequestChoice PURE ;...and if they are not, they will be loaded into memory to save loading them off disk every time they are used
endif ;If LhA2LZX has been run before in the same sitting, these programs will already be in memory
if "`which RequestFile`" NOT EQ "RES RequestFile" ;Comments like this one will not be read by LhA2LZX when it is running - it ignores anything after a semi-colon
Resident > NIL: C:RequestFile PURE
if "`which Eval`" NOT EQ "RES Eval" ;Anything surrounded by `backticks` will be evaluated first, and the result is then given in its place (see 'v2.2' in the 'Program History' in the .guide for a fuller explanation and more examples)
Resident > NIL: C:Eval PURE ;As another example, if you type "List `RequestFile`" in a CLI, the RequestFile requester will pop up, and the file(s) you select will be passed to the program 'List', and they will be listed
endif ;It would be just the same as if you had typed "List RAM:new.file RAM:othernew.file RAM:old.file", which would list all the details about those 3 files, if you had selected those 3 files in the RequestFile requester
if "`which List`" NOT EQ "RES List" ;If the result of `which List`, which will find the path of the program 'List', is not the text 'RES List' (which means it is resident in memory)...
Resident > NIL: C:List PURE ;...this line will be processed. If the reult IS 'RES List'...
endif ;...LhA2LZX skips to this line from the 'if...'line
; $VER: LhA2LZX 3.2 (7.6.98) Richard Burke
; Above is a version string, to give details of the file's creation date, author and version number
Failat 60 ;Allows errors when using LhA & LZX to be captured - this is to do with Return Codes (you will read more about these later - they are the numbers returned from an operation to tell you its outcome)
lab Beg ;'Lab' stands for 'Label', and gives us a reference point that we can easily 'skip' back to whenever we want
if NOT EXISTS "$LhA2LZXpath" ;This checks to see if the path of the location of where LhA2LZX is actually exists. The $ symbol means 'the contents of the environmental variable stored as the file env:LhA2LZXpath'. If LhA2LZX is stored in DH1:Stuff, this line will read 'if NOT EXISTS Dh1:Stuff/LhA2LZX' - ie, if LhA2LZX does not exist there then execute the next command line. If it *can* be found there, we skip to the next 'endif'
RequestChoice >nil: "LhA2LZX Error Message" "You must CD to the LhA2LZX drawer!*nSee docs for details!" "Quit"
quit ;If the file isn't there, there's no point in carrying on...
which >env:nl2zwlha lha all ;Finds the location of the LhA tool
if NOT EXISTS env:nl2zorig ;If starting, default path of archive is RAM:
echo "*"RAM:*"" >env:nl2zorig ;Asterisks are used before quote marks to tell AmigaDOS to use the quote character - here the text "RAM:" will be stored in env:nl2zorig instead of the text RAM:
if NOT EXISTS env:nl2zd ;If starting, default path of temporary drawer l2z is RAM:
echo RAM: >env:nl2zd ;Here the text 'RAM:' is redirected to the file 'env:nl2zd' - this means the text is now stored in 'env:nl2zd', which is also created by the redirection
if EXISTS env:LhA2LZXl2zpath ;If the file ENV:LhA2LZXl2zpath exists (which stores the path of the temporary directory 'l2z'), the script will perform the actions to endif
cd $LhA2LZXl2zpath ;Current Directory is now that which is stated in the contents of the environmental variable 'LhA2LZXl2zpath'
if EXISTS l2z ;If the directory exists...
delete l2z/#? ALL FORCE >NIL: ;...the contents of the temporary drawer used to store the archive files are deleted to start freshly. '>NIL:' means 're-direct the output of this operation to the NIL: device'. This will suppress any output.
else ;If the directory doesn't exist...
makedir l2z >nil: ;...create it...
skip beg1 ;...then we skip to the main body of the program
lab Temp ;If a location for 'l2z' hasn't already been chosen, we now choose where to put it
RequestChoice >env:nl2zdrw "Default directory" "Where should I store temporary files? A*ntemporary drawer called 'l2z' will be*ncreated in your selected destination, and*nRAM: will be checked for space if chosen" "RAM:" "Other" "Cancel"
if $nl2zdrw EQ 1 ;If the left button (i.e. RAM:) is chosen. The right-most button is assigned a value 0, and the other buttons are given ascending values from 1 on the left
echo "*"RAM:*"" >envarc:LhA2LZXl2zpath
copy envarc:LhA2LZXl2zpath TO env:LhA2LZXl2zpath >nil: ;The directory is saved as default for subsequent runs
cd RAM:
makedir l2z >NIL: ;Here we create the drawer
if $nl2zdrw EQ 2 ;If "Other" is chosen
lab Other
RequestFile >env:LhA2LZXl2zpath TITLE "Where should 'l2z' be made?" DRAWERSONLY NOICONS POSITIVE Create DRAWER RAM:
if WARN ;If the close gadget or the 'Cancel' button is chosen, RequestFile gives a Return Code of 5, which is detected by the WARN statement (this is set if the RC is 5 or greater)
skip Temp back ;As the label 'Temp' occured previously in this file, we need to use the 'back' keyword to tell it to search backwards through this file instead of forwards
if $LhA2LZXl2zpath EQ "Ram Disk:" ;If user clicks on RAM: in file requester...
echo "*"RAM:*"" >envarc:LhA2LZXl2zpath ;...we change the text stored in 'env:LhA2LZXl2zpath' from 'Ram Disk:' to 'RAM:' to make things easier when checking for amount of memory needed later on
echo >env:nl2zd $LhA2LZXl2zpath ;Get rid of quotation marks around the drawer name. This will read something like 'echo >env:nl2zd "DH1:TempStuff/"', and Echo will echo whatever is written inside the "quotation marks"
if NOT EXISTS $LhA2LZXl2zpath ;This will check if the drawer exists, and if it doesn't it will tell the user
RequestChoice "LhA2LZX Error Message" "PATH does not exist!" "Choose again!"
skip Other BACK
cd $LhA2LZXl2zpath
makedir l2z >NIL:
if $nl2zdrw EQ 0 ;If "Cancel" is chosen
skip end
;...And now on to the main workings...
lab beg1
echo "{pat}" >env:nl2zl ;This saves the filename input "pat" to an env variable
list >env:nl2zpatsize env:nl2zl LFORMAT=%L ;This gets the size of the filename
if $nl2zpatsize EQ 1 ;If no filename has been given...
skip exe ;...jump to the procedure that lets you choose one...
else ;...otherwise...
skip File ;...start processing the file
lab exe
RequestFile >env:nl2zldfls TITLE "Choose file(s) to convert" POSITIVE Convert ACCEPTPATTERN #?.(lha|lzx|lzh) MULTISELECT DRAWER $nl2zorig
if WARN ;If no files are chosen...
skip end ;...quit LhA2LZX
list >RAM:LhA2LZX.exe `type env:nl2zldfls` LFORMAT="execute *"$LhA2LZXpath*" *"%F%N*"" ;The archives chosen from the requester will be output in a special format - something like 'execute "dh1:Scripts/LhA2LZX" "dh1:TempStuff/new.lzx"'
execute RAM:LhA2LZX.exe ;Execute the file which lists all the archives to process - it is best just to read 'RAM:LhA2LZX.exe' whilst you are running 'LhA2LZX' to see what it contains!
delete RAM:LhA2LZX.exe FORCE >NIL: ;After all the files have been processed, delete the listing file
echo "*e[1;1H*eJ" ;This clears the output window
echo "*n*n*n *e[1;32m Thank you for using"
echo " *e[33m LhA *e[0m*e[3;1m2 *e[0m*e[2mLZX" ;All the *e[... parts do is change the colour/style of the text - known as ANSI - see "v2.2" in "Program History" in the .guide
echo "*n*n*n" ;All these echoes are merely to thank you for using this wonderful script!
quit ;The end of LhA2LZX :^(
lab File
echo "*"{pat}*"" >env:nl2zldfl
list >env:nl2zorig $nl2zldfl LFORMAT="*"%F*"" ;Get the path of the directory that the file is in, surrounded by quotation marks
if $nl2zorig EQ "Ram Disk:"
echo "*"RAM:*"" >env:nl2zorig ;For some reason, if RAM: is chosen, "RAM:" is stored in env:nl2zldfl but "Ram Disk:" is stored in env:nl2zorig...
echo >env:nl2zo $nl2zorig ;Get rid of the quotes around the directory name
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zorig ;On the off-chance that someone has entered a path via the CLI which doesn't actually exist...
RequestChoice >nil: "LhA2LZX Error Message" "PATH does not exist!" "Try again"
skip end ;...skip to the end
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zldfl
RequestChoice >nil: "LhA2LZX Error Message" "FILE does not exist!" "Try again"
skip end
lab Tilde
search env:nl2zldfl ~ >nil: ;Here we search the archive name to see if it contains a tilde (~), which LZX cannot process
if $RC EQ 0 ;If the Return Code is 0 (i.e. if the search was successful and a tilde was found)...
RX lha2lzx.rexx tilde >NIL: ;If a tilde is found, call the AREXX program 'lha2lzx.rexx' to rename the file without a tilde
list >env:nl2zsuf $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%E ;Gives suffix of the archive only
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lha ;If file doesn't have .lha suffix
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lzx ;If file doesn't have .lzx suffix
if $nl2zsuf NOT EQ lzh ;If file doesn't have .lzh suffix (which is de-archived by LhA and LZX)
RequestChoice "LhA2LZX Error Message" "File $nl2zl is NOT an LhA or LZX archive!" "Ooops!"
skip end
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzh
rename $nl2zldfl AS "$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lha" ;Rename the .lzh archive with an .lha suffix, as it is virtually the same anyway and will make things easier later on
echo "*"$nl2zo$nl2zbnm.lha*"" >env:nl2zldfl ;Get the new file name
echo $nl2zldfl >env:nl2zl
list >env:nl2zbnm1 $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%S ;Strips the path of the archive to give only the filename with suffix
list >env:nl2zbnm $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%M ;Removes .lzx, .lha or .lzh suffix from filename
list >env:nl2zcom $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%C ;Gets file comment
list >env:nl2zdat $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%D DATES ;Gets file creation date
list >env:nl2ztim $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%T ;Gets file creation time
list >env:nl2zprot $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%A ;Gets the file protection bits
rx lha2lzx.rexx prot >NIL: ;Call the AREXX script 'lha2lzx.rexx' and tell it to execute the 'protection' procedure
list >env:nl2zcomsz env:nl2zcom LFORMAT=%L ;Gets size of comment
lab Memchk ;This labels the following section as "Memchk" so the script can skip to this point from anywhere in the script if it encounters the line "skip Memchk"
set nl2zmemsz `avail flush total` ;Saves the result from "avail flush total" (try it in a Shell - it gets the total size of available memory) as ENV:nl2zmemsz
cd $nl2zorig ;CD's to the directory of the original archive
list >env:nl2zflsz $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L ;Gets size of original archive
eval >env:nl2zflmem $nl2zflsz * 4 ;Multiplies the archive size by 4
eval >env:nl2zflk $nl2zflmem / 1024 ;Gives the size of the required memory in Kilobytes, as it will be easier to read and relate to than bytes
if NOT $nl2zmemsz VAL GT $nl2zflmem ;If your available memory size is less than 4 times the size of the original archive (LZX often decompresses to 3-4 times the size of the archive)...
if $LhA2LZXl2zpath EQ "RAM:" ;...and RAM: has been chosen to store temporary files...
RequestChoice >env:nl2znomem "! Insufficient Memory!" "There may be insufficient memory to store temporary files in RAM:*n(may need at least $nl2zflk k)" "Choose other path" "Continue anyway" "Cancel"
if $nl2znomem EQ 0 ;"Cancel"
skip end
if $nl2znomem EQ 1 ;"Other"
skip Other back
if $nl2zsuf EQ lha
echo LZX >env:nl2znsuf ;Gives the type of file to convert to in a requester later
echo LhA >env:nl2zsuf
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzx
echo LhA >env:nl2znsuf
echo LZX >env:nl2zsuf ;Makes it look better in the requester
lab Extra
echo "*e[0 p" ;This clears the display (the output CLI)
RequestChoice >env:nl2zext "Convert $nl2zl to . . ." "Do you want to convert $nl2zl to the other*nfiletype or to the smallest archive?*n*nConvert from $nl2zsuf to:" "$nl2znsuf" "Smallest" "Repack" "Cancel"
if $nl2zext EQ 0 ;If 'Cancel' is selected
skip end ;This skips back to the section labelled 'end', at the end
if $nl2zext EQ 3 ;If 'Repack' is selected...
echo $nl2znsuf >env:nl2zsuf1 ;...temporarily swap the suffix...
echo $nl2zsuf >env:nl2znsuf ;...with the other file type suffix...
echo $nl2zsuf1 >env:nl2zsuf ;...so that the correct program is used to repack the archive. We cleverly make LhA2LZX think that an LhA archive is an LZX archive to re-archive it using LhA, and vice versa
lab Conv ;This part until 'lab end' converts the archive to either LhA or LZX, and saves whichever type the user requested
cd $LhA2LZXl2zpath
cd l2z
"$nl2zwlzx" x -a -F -x -X0 $nl2zldfl ;As the LZX keyfile is now available, the ability to de-archive LhA files is possible, and also much quicker
if NOT $RC EQ 0 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'end'
skip er ;RC stands for Return Code - the number returned by LhA if the operation fails
if $nl2zsuf EQ lzx ;Means it is an LZX archive
"$nl2zwlha" -2 -a -r -F -y -M -e -x a $nl2zbnm #? ;If not aborted, file is archived
if NOT $RC EQ 0 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'end'
skip er
else ;Means it is an LhA/LZH archive
"$nl2zwlzx" -r -e -3 -X -F a -Qf $nl2zbnm #? ;If not aborted, file is archived
if NOT $RC EQ 0 ;If user aborts it will skip to 'end'
skip er
if $nl2zext EQ 3 ;If 'Repack' was selected
echo $nl2znsuf >env:nl2zsuf ;Replace the original suffix
echo 2 >env:nl2zext ;Now that the conversion has been done, we treat the rest of the process as if we want the smallest archive
lab Size
list >env:nl2zold $nl2zldfl LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the original archive
list >env:nl2znew $nl2zbnm.$nl2znsuf LFORMAT=%L ;Gets the size of the new archive
eval >env:nl2zdiff $nl2zold - $nl2znew ;Subtracts the size of the new from the original
eval >env:nl2zdiff1 $nl2znew - $nl2zold ;Subtracts the size of the original from the new
$nl2zinf $nl2zldfl QUIET >env:nl2zvolsz ;Gets the amount of free space of destination disk
rx lha2lzx.rexx size >NIL: ;Call the AREXX script 'lha2lzx.rexx' and tell it to execute the 'size' procedure
echo "now replaces" >env:nl2znowrep
eval >env:nl2zendsz $nl2zvolsz + $nl2zold - $nl2znew ;Calculates how much free space will be left on the disk when the old archive is replaced
if $nl2znew GE $nl2zold VAL ;Original archive is smaller than the new one, so the original is kept
if $nl2zext EQ 2 ;If the user wanted to convert to the other filetype
RequestChoice > NIL: " $nl2zl used" "Using the original archive because it's $nl2zdiff1 bytes*nsmaller!" "Okay" ;The difference in file sizes is cleverly given
skip end
lab Size1
if 0 GE $nl2zendsz VAL ;If there won't be enough room for the new archive on the destination disk...
RequestChoice >env:nl2zaltpathreq "! Error !" "New archive is too large to fit on disk!*n*nDo you want to choose another path*nto save the new archive to?" "Yes" "No"
if $nl2zaltpathreq EQ 0
skip end
lab AltPath
RequestFile >env:nl2zaltpath TITLE "Choose alternate path..." POSITIVE Save DRAWERSONLY DRAWER RAM: ;...choose a new save path
if NOT EXISTS $nl2zaltpath
RequestChoice >NIL: "! Error !" "Path does not exist!" "Doh!"
skip AltPath BACK
$nl2zinf $nl2zaltpath QUIET >env:nl2zvolsz ;Get the amount of free space of the new path
rx lha2lzx.rexx size >NIL: ;Call the AREXX script 'lha2lzx.rexx' and tell it to execute the 'size' procedure
eval >env:nl2zendsz $nl2zvolsz + $nl2zold - $nl2znew ;Calculates how much free space will be left on the disk when the old archive is replaced
if 0 GE $nl2zendsz VAL
skip Size1 BACK
copy env:nl2zaltpath TO env:nl2zorig QUIET ;Put the new save path in place of the old
echo "has been converted from" >env:nl2znowrep ;This changes some text in a requester later on, to make the requester text make more sense
echo >env:nl2zo $nl2zorig ;Get rid of the quotes around the directory name
echo "Hello World!" >env:nl2zcheck ;This is a "dummy" file, created so that we know the destination has changed
if NOT EXISTS env:nl2zcheck ;If the dummy file does not exist...
delete $nl2zldfl QUIET ;...delete the original archive...otherwise leave it on the disk
copy "$nl2zbnm.$nl2znsuf" TO $nl2zorig QUIET ;Copy the new archive over in place of the original